1.Update the MTK platform
V5.2 g Add new bootfile surport
V5.2 f Add the for a nand flash
V5.2 e modified the way of artificial formatting size setsetting
V5.2 c solve the BUG which immediately to write but platform that show the declassified
V5.2 b solve the qusetion of individual mobile phone screen can read the screen data
V5.1 e upgrade the boot 5 to more speed

2.Update the SPD platform
V5.03a£º1.Add Auto bootfile£¬
2.Update 6600l/wt6226/68 bootfile£¬
3.Modify the function of searching telphonebook
V5.02c£ºModify the 6600R bootfile to surport more flash,add the function of searching telphonebook
V5.02b£ºModify the 6600R_Ist bootfile to surport more flash

3.Optimize the serial scan