It was only a matter of time before some of you craftier readers started digging into the Gingerbread SDK.  Just hours after its announcement, the first hidden gems are starting to come to surface.  Tucked a few folders deep are the icons for Google’s GTalk application.  One of our readers, iPaulPro, noticed the appearance of three icons that weren’t previously found in the SDK.  A quick look and one recognizes these as the video chat notification icons found on the desktop version of Google Talk.

We had heard whispers of native video chat being built into Android, but today’s news came and went without reference.  Could video chat be hidden in the inner workings of Android, waiting to be integrated?  Let’s hope so!

If you want to go to the icons yourself, you’re advised to navigate to sdk/platforms/android-9/data/res/drawable-hdpi/

Evidence of Potential Video Chat in GTalk Found in Gingerbread SDK originally appeared on AndroidGuys.

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