I’m curious about something.

There is a cool little application, Métro, that I’ve been using for a long time, going back to the Windows CE and Pocket PC days.

Long story short, the app can download and store city data used by the app on the media card, or it can get the data over the network each time. I was setting it to download and store the data, and it would freeze on me everytime when I would execute the function to download a new city. I discovered that the issue is media card encryption–Turn off media card encryption, and it works. And by the way, I have device memory encryption enabled, and leave that enabled, and there’s no problem with that.

But, if I download all the cities I want, then turn on encryption again, the app is able to use the downloaded city already on the card, which I guess is because the city data files are not encrypted. (The encryption seems to be done when the files are written. Any files written while encryption is off remain unencrypted. I think.)

What confuses me is I’ve used aftermarket apps with media card encryption enabled — Ubertwitter comes to mind — and never had a problem. This is the first. Morever, I figure all the encryption stuff is handled by the OS and is invisible to the apps.

Can anybody tell me what it is I don’t understand?