Have you ever been driving though an area of town, or perhaps your own city and thought, “Man, they really should clean this place up?” Well, in Toulouse, France, Défi Propreté has teamed up with Android and has given out 90 HTC Desires to its agents to help clean up the trash in the city.  Basically, it uses the GPS in the phone to report people that have let their bins overflow, or if a company has failed to pick up the trash.  The application allows the agents to send a voice comment, photo, and the GPS Location of the offending site.  

The local government in Toulouse is excited about the beta testing and is hoping to officially roll it out, but not without controversy from the citizens.  They feel there are bigger problems than trash, but what do you think?  We all know an area that needs cleaned up.  Would you go through the trouble of snapping a picture or leaving a voice comment to tattle on someone? Would you like to see this come to the United States?

Android Used to Keep Cities Clean originally appeared on AndroidGuys.

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