It’s that time of the year again, when figures regarding mobile operating systems come in and we see some growing, some stagnating and some plummeting to the ground. The latest IDC numbers confirm that iOS and Android are doing very well, while Windows Phone is stable and BlackBerry OS and Symbian are dying.

So, in Q1 2012 we have 89.9 million Android units shipped, with a market share of 59%, up 145% from the 36.1% market share of Q1 2011. Next up there’s iOS, with 35.1 million units shipped, for a market share of 23%, up 88.7% from last year’s 18.3%. Third place is Symbian, with 10.4 million units shipped somehow, plus a share of 6.8%, a huge drop of 60.6% from last year. BlackBerry OS also dropped 29.7%, reaching 9.7 million units and 6.4% market share. And finally we have Linux with 2.3% of the market and Windows Phone 7 and Windows Mobile bundled together at 2.2%.

The MS mobile platform also got 3.3 million units shipped in the first 3 months of 2012, probably most of them being Nokia models. What’s important to note is that Windows Phone actually gained 26.9% share from last year. I guess that by 2013 Symbian will be lumped in with the “Other” section, that in the meantime swallowed Bada OS and webOS.

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