For those of us that have been to, or live in Tokyo, we know that there are quaint bars all around.  Little establisments that have themes, such as a Linux bar, and even an 8-bit bar, where people just sit around and play 8-bit video games all day.  We can now welcome an Android Bar.  Every Monday, one can go to Shibuya and hit up many bars, clubs, and night-scences, but now, there’s a small Android bar as well.

As we can see from this FrAndroid post, they are serving up some gingerbread for the guests, as well as what seems to be a little juicebox with Andy on it.  Pretty cool, huh?  What do you guys think?  If you find yourselves near Tokyo, stop in and let us know how your visit was!

Tokyo, Japan Welcomes an Android Bar originally appeared on AndroidGuys.

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