Just got the 9650 from Verizon.

Basic Issue: My sound alerts for incoming messages sometimes work and other times they don’t.

I first set the Normal sound profile to my desired settings but the sounds I’d chosen weren’t going off for PIN messages, SMS messages, or emails. Instead, I was getting random sounds that I hadn’t chosen. When I look at the Normal profile settings my chosen settings are listed but different sounds are happening.

So I created a custom setting with the sounds/volume/settings I want. This solved my first problem but now the sounds and vibrations only happen once in a while. Often, I am not alerted to an incoming SMS, PIN, or email message. It seems to be random; I can’t spot a pattern. I want to get a sound and vibration for every single incoming message (except email, for which I want sound but no vibration); how can I fix this?

These are the current profile settings for my custom profile, under the Messages section:

Ringtone: BBPro_Sanguine
Volume: 9
Count: (Normal) 1
Play Sound: (Normal) Always
LED: (Normal) On
Vibration: (Normal) Off
Notify Me During Calls: No

Ring Tone: Notifier_Greeter
Volume: 10
Count: (Normal) 1
Play Sound: (Normal) Always
LED: (Normal) On
Vibration: (Normal) Custom
Length: Medium
Count: 2
Vibrate: Always
Vibrate with Ring Tone: (Normal) On
Notify me During Calls: No

Ring Tone: Notifier_Crystal
Volume: 9
Count: (Normal) 1
Play Sound: (Normal) Always
LED: (Normal) On
Vibration: (Normal) Custom
Length: Medium
Count: 2
Vibrate: Always
Vibrate with Ring Tone: (Normal) On
Notify Me During Calls: No