29.02.2012    JTAG Manager v1.40 Released

Whats new:

  • Solved the problem with download of updates. Now no more nasty ‘Out of Disk Space’ error!!!Some users could experience this kind of error during download of large files (30MB and more). These errors were often with Wi-Fi configurations where certain routers dind’t handled passive ports FTP data transfers properly.
  • Added check if JTAG Manager is running with administrator rights (in case it is installed in Program Files location).
    This solves issues for older operating systems (Windows XP) which have no UAC and no manifest means controlling elevation of application rights. Thus –  now if the JTAG Manager is started without administator rights it will restart itself with request to run it “as administrator”.
  • Embedded font for text message window on JTAG Read/Write page.
  • Improved displaying of DLL version information: If FileVersion info is available JTAG Manger will display it rather than the internal version supplied by DLL.
    This simplifies version tracking for us.
  • Download speed limit is increased to 250kb/s

Please click “Check for Updates” button in order to download and apply new updates.