We like to occasionally feature guest bloggers and reader submissions on AndroidGuys as it helps the community get a feel for what others are doing with their Android phones.  One reader we’ve featured here a couple of times, Roy, has sent us another post.  This time, he has taken to YouTube to share his knowledge.

This time I made a video demonstrating the customizability on the Android platform. In the video I show of some of the coolest additions to your phone and really show how you can go beyond the mere background-and-theme-picking. The ‘theme’ of the video is customization about function rather than form.

Check out the 10 minute video below to see some of the customization he’s done with his handset. After you watch the clip, leave a comment with your favorite Android customization.  The more you share, the more we all learn!

Thanks Roy!

Reader Submission: Customizability on Android [VIDEO] originally appeared on AndroidGuys.