
We have covered QuickLaunch time and again on the blogs since it’s inception, and even had a review of it posted by one of our CrackBerry Idol contestants. Quite frankly, it’s one of the most popular applications out there, lending a huge amount of functionality to your device in one place. With the latest update to 3.0, this application has taken another step further from it’s humble beginnings as a mere shortcut app to something bigger. I ran the first version of QuickLaunch, and the difference now is mind-boggling with tons of features and functions available to tweak the app to your exact specifications.

The 3.0 update has brought a lot of changes to it, and reders several apps I had on my device completely unnecessary, adding Scheduled Reboots, Screen Capture in System Menu, even the ability to set a shortcut to a subpage of the Options menu. I personally have mine set to my Themes submenu, allowing for a quick change whenever I feel the need.

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CrackBerry.com‘s feed sponsored by ShopCrackBerry.com. QuickLaunch 3.0 Quick Review – loads of new features