We are working hard to keep Octopus Box one of the most updated and therefore one of the most trusted solution for servicing LG phones on the market.
Proud owners of Octopus Box have already experienced its fast and in most cases world first updates.

We also encourage you to try Octopus Box in action with LG BL40, GW620 phones ABSOLUTELY FREE of charge!
That’s our gift to GSM-Forum community You can get it from official web.

In this update we have added support for U960 and world’s first support for KH3900, KH8000, KH8600, SH860, and SU410!

Octopus Box v 1.5.0 Release Notes:
* KH3900 – added world’s first Unlock (KW390007 version), Write Firmware, Read/Write/Repair NVM, Repair BT Address
* KH8000 – added world’s first Unlock (KW800913 version), Write Firmware, Read/Write/Repair NVM, Repair BT Adress
* KH8600 – added world’s first Unlock (KW860906 and KW860907 versions), Write Firmware, Read/Write/Repair NVM
* SH860 – added world’s first Unlock (SW860906 version), Write Firmware, Read/Write/Repair NVM
* SU410 – added world’s first Unlock (SU410905 version), Write Firmware, Read/Write/Repair NVM, Repair BT Address
* U960 – added Direct Unlock, Read/Write/Repair NVM, Repair security, Repair country
* Added support for U960 in LG Qualcomm language editor – Writing LP to phone/Translating LP
* Added English-Thai dictionary for LG Qualcomm and LG A2 language editors (thanx to nongmobile)
* Added Thai interface language (thanx to nongmobile)
* Improved unlock procedure for SH150A (added direct unlock for KW210720 version)
* Improved unlock and repair IMEI procedure for GM200 and GM205
* Added new skins – “Golden” and “Nautilus”
* Added free codereader for LG BL40, BL40e, BL40f, BL40g, GW620, GW620R, GW620F, GW620G, GW620GO