MeterBerry for BlackBerry

MeterBerry has long been one of the best apps for checking out all the stats on your device. Over it’s lifespan it has undergone quite a few upgrades and the latest brings some cool features as well as suppoft for the Torch/OS 6. New features include color-coded, customizable banner indicator for battery, temperature, and free application memory. MeterBerry is truly an all-in-one for all there is to know about what is ticking on your BlackBerry.

Contest: To celebrate the launch of version 2.5 we have 100 copies of MeterBerry to give away. Just leave a single comment on this post to be entered. Contest ends this Sunday at Midnight PDT.‘s feed sponsored by MeterBerry v2.5 released with updated features, OS 6 support and more – 100 copies to be won!