Apple has got fresh goodies for us and it’s not even the Lion OS X… I’m talking about the iOS 5 beta 4, available now for developers and people who know how to handle such software. You can find the new iOS in the Apple dev channel.

This is a premiere, since this iOS flavor includes over the air updates, that apply to iOS beta 3 users. They can use wireless connectivity to upgrade to beta 4 apparently. The public launch of iOS 5 and iCloud is still slated for September, most likely with the iPhone 5 and beta 4 is among the last updates pushed to developers.

Some people are already saying that this new beta doesn’t work, or that the wireless update method fails. You need the new iTunes 10.5 beta 4 to sync with the new iOS flavor and also there’s the Xcode 4.2 Developer Preview 4 out there, available for you. Full list of issues and changelog is found in the source link below.

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