If you are over the age of 18 and live in the United States, chances are good that you’re supposed to be voting today. As to whether or not you actually do remains to be seen. However, those of you who can’t get enough of the liberal left or the righteous right should check out Handmark’s latest pair of Android applications. PolitiCaster Right and PolitiCaster Left are free, ad-supported apps that can be found in the Android Market immediately. Both applications combine national and local political news from hundreds of sources and deliver them in a handy package.

PolitiCaster Right features commentary and news from conservative blogs and outlets such as The National Review, Red State, and Michelle Malkin. On the PolitiCaster Left side of things, you’ll find information and perspective from sources such as Huffington Post, Daily Kos, Think Progress and more.

Users of either version will have the ability to share articles via email, Twitter, and Facebook, as well as the new exclusive “Talk Back” feature. This allows users to send personal notes tosenators, congresspersons, popular political media personalities, or even the President.

Handmark Releases Pair of Political Apps on Eve of Elections originally appeared on AndroidGuys.

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