The picture to the left is the Android Guys POD at APPNATION, which was my base of operations at APPNATION.

I am going to wrap up the coverage of the actual event with this short article.  I have a few more interviews from the event that I want to get punched out soon as well, but I want to get this out before too much time goes by.  Read on after the break!

In my Day 1 report, I gave you the overview of my experience at APPNATION, so go back and read that if you want to get the general look and feel of the event.

Here is the list of take aways that I have from the event.  Remember, I attended as press, attendee and moderator/speaker, I literally did everything you can do (and have the bags under my eyes to prove it lol)

  • If you can go to a conference as a dev, this is the one to go to.  The sheer support from companies like Samsung, Get Jar and others is worth going to the EXPO part of the event at the least.
  • The value of the contacts that can be made during an event like this is priceless in my opinion.  I met some great people, all of which were open for collaboration in the near future.
  • Make sure to print WAY more than 50 business cards for conferences like these lol.
  • Big Execs do NOT understand Android.
  • The Moscone Center is HUGE and easy to get turned around in.  (yeah, I ended up across the street from the event, but NO idea how it happened)
  • Apps really are the way we interface with the internet now, mobile computing has brought about “net 3.0”.  We MUST adapt or be left behind.
  • People WILL pay for apps, if the price is right, or the value is apparent in the app.
  • There is a schism in Android developers about the dev process on Android. Some say it is great, some say it is a pain.  The common denominator to tell why?  The ones who have devved for iPhone almost always say that Android is harder.
  • Big business cannot ignore Android forever, and at some point are going to have to admit that it will be their biggest source of revenue stream for their media content.
  • A cab ride from the San Fran airport should take 22 minutes.  Not 11 like ours did.  Glad I brought that extra pair of skivvies.

Meeting People like Carlo from WIP was full of WIN!

All in all, I know that Android Guys will be looking forward to being at APPNATION again next year, and to take a bigger role if possible.  Android Community, this is your notice that you really want to come to this event, we will be better for it!

APPNATION: Wrap and Take Aways originally appeared on AndroidGuys.