We’ll keep this short and sweet. With over 12,000 entries, the lucky winner in CrackBerry’s Second Chance Win a BlackBerry Torch Contest is…..


Dang I love that username! Congrats Hosehead13! We’ll be shooting you an email shortly to get your details and get an unlocked AT&T BlackBerry Torch 9800 out your way. For everybody else, stay tuned. It’s CrackBerry.com. You know another chance to win free stuff is just around the corner. We’ve already given away two Torches… maybe the next big contest we do will be for some BlackBerry Torch accessories or maybe we should move onto a new device and give away a BlackBerry Curve 3G. Whaddya think?! Any contest prize suggestions out there?

CrackBerry.com‘s feed sponsored by ShopCrackBerry.com. And the winner of CrackBerry's Second Chance Win a BlackBerry Torch Contest is…