60 Day Fitness Challenge Winners

61 days ago we kicked off our BlackBerry Fitness Challenge. An ambitious undertaking to say the least, but an event where those participating would be winners just for taking part. Of course, CrackBerry and our friends at Gym Technik upped the stakes and provided some extra incentive with some extra awesome prizes to compete for. If you check back to our original contest post, you’ll remember there were three contests tied to the event – a random winner (based on a random tweet from all #blackberryfitchallenge tweets), the most workouts winner (based on most tweets) and the best before/after photos. Read on for an update and to see who pushed out the most workouts in 60 days!

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CrackBerry.com‘s feed sponsored by ShopCrackBerry.com. 60 Day BlackBerry Fitness Challenge Now Over!