60 Day Fitness Challenege

Our 60 Day BlackBerry Fitness Challenge has come to and end, and even though I didn’t quite make the cut (way too much going on the past few months – but I’m pushing hard now and shirtless reviews for the ladies are just a couple months way lol) we had a great turnout. If you remember we had three contests in total – the most workouts winner, best before/after photos and random tweet. We already announed the most workouts winner, so now just two to go. The winner of the random tweet contest is gavin_campbell – Congrats! That just leaves the last part up to you. Hit the jump to see the final entries for the best before/after photos and to cast your vote. Let us know who you think should be crowned the winner of the BlackBerry Fitness Challenge.

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CrackBerry.com‘s feed sponsored by ShopCrackBerry.com. 60 Day BlackBerry Fitness Challenge best before/after voting; Random tweet winner announced