MSM Parts Finder
If you use Nokia Service Manuals every day, MSM PF will help you quickly find parts.
With a few clicks, you’ll find models whit a part you’re looking for.
MSM Part Finder has an advanced search which a database contains over 56 000 parts.

What does MSM Parts Finder do?

1. Quick spare parts search
2. Quick search based on item number from Service Scheme
3. Quick search based on Part Code
4. Quick search based on Description
5. Connections with the Product Code Finder
For example, With a few clicks you can find in which panels apart from 6300, is Z2401 »/ 4129287 / ASIP 7-CH LCD FILTER W / ESD BGA18

Of course, experienced service technician will find that part by searching several Service Manuals, but why waste time when MSM PF will help to do it in a few seconds…